Sound Systems

Matrix processing, Dante and other digital networking standards for Digital Sound Systems.

Sound & PA systems for shows, events, domestic, leisure and architectural purposes with equipment that has latest features and technologies. This equipment to be installed and/or prepared and installed for either temporary or permanent installations. Since we have over 35 years of experience, in installations as well as stage live perfomances on the road there. The combination of many disciplines offers a thorough knowledge of requirements of both temporary and permanent installations in the entertainment business, leisure industry or restaurant/bar business. However there is still a huge amount of analog sound equipment available worldwide, it will be become extinct in the professional market.

Matrix & Audioprocessing, Dante networks & other network standards for Digital Sound Systems.

New installations, temporary or permanent, will have a strong digital footprint. Older installations will be upgraded to its digital equivalent in the near future. When a digital platform has been selected, interfacing from/to it will be a key to succes to connect equipment when (matrix) soundprocessing is required.

Litecom as installer, certified for AHM by A&H, uses mainly the Allen & Heath AHM matrix system in new or installations, or "old" analog system to be upgraded.

For example, DANTE as an interconnection platform is very common. DANTE, developed by Audinate®, has become the standard for digital audio distribution in professional audio.

DANTE (Digital Audio Network Through Ethernet), using standard Ethernet network technology to connect any DANTE equipped device for communication and routing audio between each other with very little latency, implemented in Allen & Heath products as well as many products of other manufacturers. With DANTE, the exchange of all digital inputs and outputs in between equipment of different manufacturers supporting DANTE is possible, as long they are in de same DANTE network domain. For example in between FOH/monitor mixes, amplifiers, matrixprocessors, loudspeaker management processors and postprocessing computers in studio setups, each with their DANTE inteface to be connected to eachother via a DANTE based managed switch network setup.

Recording & Postproduction

A logical step of digitalisation is recording, nowadays it is possible on most digital mixing consoles. The next step is the postproduction with a digital DAW based computer system to downmix the recording to the required format, e.q. for release on the various streaming platforms available.

To achieve the best natural response, the use of state of the art sound equipment is merely a tool for this. In the end all sound equipment, on analog or digital base, is in function to provide the most natural response for our ears, either via headphones, in-ear buds or sound re-enforced system in a concert of any kind or just at home...with lowest distortion & noise possible...

...Our ears will always be an analog sense...

Depending on its task a selection of the best solution for the job within a specified budget we can be of huge benefit for your next project.